
About Indie Repository

When starting your journey as an author, advice is everywhere. So are questions.

It’s easy to make a mistake or misstep and get scammed, or neglect something that could be of value because you aren’t aware that it could help. As indie authors, we’ve been there. We’ve had to learn from our own failures, our own achievements. Having been in the business long enough to spot positives and negatives, we can help set you on the right path.

From marketing advice to apps and programs, we’ve tried quite a range, and are more than happy to share our thoughts regarding the pros and cons, and whether we feel they helped or hindered our goals. We all struggle with something. Together, perhaps, we can help each other struggle a little less.

(All articles, recommendations, and warnings are personal opinions. What works for one author may not work for another. Do keep in mind your genre, budget, and goals when reviewing whether a particular bit of advice will achieve what you’d like it to do for you personally.)

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